
 discuss how these might have application in contemporary art. List any relevant examples of works that might use similar ideas

The psychogeography of a space is described as the impression of a space by a person observing it, including the idea that you have an opinion of a space the moment you enter it. The experience of progressing through a space, whether that be on a website such as Cameron's world or drifting through Paris, is often the best way to develop that initial impression. The progression through these spaces help to reveal the structure of the whole, while engaging the viewer with the smaller side-rooms and methods of transportation.

The websites provided as examples, including Cameron's world as mentioned before, as well as and provide the experience of moving through a space while also demonstrating how it is possible to expand on that idea. The many branching options through each website provides the opportunity to move through a space that seems unintuitive at first, but often has its own logic on how to progress through. This can take the form of repeated ideas in where the next links may be hidden, or simply branching out into another website through an emulator and offering the experience of the old internet. Many of the options are straightforward after initially entering the space, even if you have to look around a bit and absorb what each page has to offer.
