
Showing posts from October, 2021

Hello World! Processing

 This documentary was really interesting and provided some good examples of how processing works. The idea that an idea or sketch could easily become something was interesting. The documentary itself runs through several examples of processing and generative art, which can produce organic looking results. Whether this is drawn lamp models or Feltron's annual reports on his activities, processing provides the ability to generate feedback about a sketch quickly which allows for projects to be adjusted at a more rapid pace. This can allow people to view the input data in a way that they were unable to previously, visualizing certain concepts that would otherwise seem meaningless. 

First Sketch

function setup() { createCanvas(600, 800)   background(220); ellipse(70, 70, 100, 100) ellipse(70, 70, 50, 50) ellipse(100, 200, 80, 60) ellipse(100, 200, 40, 80)   quad(450,350, 150,350, 150,30, 500,8,) point(70, 70)   line(70, 70, 100, 200) line(70,70,400,300)      triangle(400,300, 200,300, 500,400)   line(200,300, 70,70)   line(200,300, 100,200)       } function draw() {   }

Garden of Forking Paths

 An Asian spy for Germany named Yu Tsun, while trying to pass on some information to his commanding officer through a murder he would commit, meets with Stephen Albert and discusses the labyrinth created by Ts'ui Pen. The labyrinth, as proposed by Albert, Is the novel that Pen wrote with the intention that, "all men would loose themselves inside it." Before speaking to Albert, Tsun imagines this labyrinth as somewhere remote, such as on the top of a mountain, hidden drowned under rice paddies, or even beneath the sea. The intersections and paths being made from pavilions, twisting paths, and rivers; an ever growing maze that somehow would take place in both the past and in the future. While pondering this he forgets that he is being chased by captain Madden, someone who Tsun believes is after him because Madden thinks he is a spy. On meeting Tsun, Albert belives that Tsun is Hsi P'eng, a consul from China, and allows him to come in after Tsun mentions that he is the d...


  discuss how these might have application in contemporary art. List any relevant examples of works that might use similar ideas The psychogeography of a space is described as the impression of a space by a person observing it, including the idea that you have an opinion of a space the moment you enter it. The experience of progressing through a space, whether that be on a website such as Cameron's world or drifting through Paris, is often the best way to develop that initial impression. The progression through these spaces help to reveal the structure of the whole, while engaging the viewer with the smaller side-rooms and methods of transportation. The websites provided as examples, including Cameron's world as mentioned before, as well as  yyyyyyy. info and   provide the experience of moving through a space while also demonstrating how it is possible to expand on that idea. The many branching options through each website provides the opportun...

Website Critique response

    Fleshing out the content of my artist portfolio is a priority, adding my artists statements. Additionally, creating a solid color palate is important for making the website more cohesive. Thinking about orange and/or blue. Additionally, the navbar does not need a background, or needs one the same color as the page background, due to issues with borders/spacing. Expanding on the portfolio, and sorting by category of artwork, was recommended as well as adding better organization with multiple div columns.